I know that I've posted about my 'Master Bedroom Makeover' a few times. Well, like I said in my last post, it's going SLOW and I've not revealed much of it.
Truth is...... while I still have my inspiration, my motivation kind of.............well.............. I think it almost died for a while............ BUT I think it is on the mend, and I'm feeling it come back!!! You know how it is...... a sleepless night or two because you have all of the creative ideas playing tag in your brain ALL.NIGHT.LONG. Yep, that game is back in town and here we go!!!
Mr. Inspiring and I found this window in a junk store in a very small town in Illinois a couple of years ago and I fell in love with it. I've had soo many ideas for it, but nothing really stayed until Saturday. A few weeks ago (Really, Suz? Be HONEST!!) Ok - - Like about 3 months ago, I took the window apart. It was very chippy, and I loved it, but.... The chips were coming off and some of the wood really needed to be cleaned up some. The glass was cracked. The window just had not been loved in a long time. I got some paint remover and took the top 3 or 4 layers off. I took the glass out. It looked like it felt so much better!!
Then it sat. In the garage. Till this past Saturday. I have seen so many cute ideas that other crafters were doing with their windows........ and I wanted to do them all!! I wanted to put chicken wire where the glass had been, but, I need some colorful 'art' for my walls when I paint my bedroom. The burgundy flower stuff just is NOT going to work!! I thought about replacing the glass with aluminum flashing..... no... I want color!! I thought about replacing the glass with glass and then using the Krylon looking glass paint.... Nope - - I've got something else in mind for that!! So....
This is what I came up with. I put 2 coats of my Eidelweiss (I don't remember the brand, but I'll look it up next time I go to our local hardware store where I got it) paint on it. Then I used some coarse sandpaper and rubbed the corners and the dividing pieces a little. I didn't take pictures - - everyone knows what that looks like!!
Then I cut out cardboard to fit the holes...... (I do have a picture of that!!)
Then, using my inspiration fabric from my last post, I covered the cardboard. Yes, I know the middle fabric is showing fold lines........ Yes, I know that the light brown fabric looks like it has a crease in it - I didn't have a big enough piece of the fabric to cover it, so I had to piece it. Mr. Inspiring has pointed this out a couple of times already. Finally I told him I did that on purpose!!!! buah ahahhaahahhha He hasn't mentioned it since!!! Too Funny!!!
Anyway, the color that my wall is behind it is going to change VERY SOON!! So please don't pay attention to it!! Also - - I just took the pictures this morning - in the dark room - while Mr. Inspiring was (trying to sleep) sleeping! Not good quality, but you get the jist of it.....
Here are some pictures of the outcome. I really like it!! And I like that it isn't permanent! I can change it if I want, use the frame in another part of the house if the fancy strikes.......
I can't wait to reveal my Ballard Knock Off picture - - and I just can't believe that I've not seen anyone else knock this one off!!!
Thanks for stopping by!! Come back tomorrow - - hopefully I'll have my knock off up to show you that, too!!!
Hugs ~~ Suz
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