Does anyone else LOVE that song by Brad Paisley?? You're singing it to yourself now, aren't you??
There's a reason why I named this post that............. This past week, I've been working on a project. I guess it could be considered my first 'commissioned' quilt. My boss and his wife are expecting their first grandchild. Mrs. Boss asked me if I would make a quilt for the baby if she bought the fabric. I said sure (She's my BOSS'S wife...... I'd never say no!! Besides, they are great people and I love them!!)
So she got the fabric to me around the beginning of December. It's really cute fabric! But.... Not what I would pick for a baby boy. Newborns get baby blue, baby pink, soft yellow, mint green.......... pastels, right?
Yep - - That's Urban Zoologie by Ann Kelle for Robert Kaufman in the Turtle print and they chose some dark brown Kona and Painter's Canvas Magnolia Lane Collecton. I was told to do whatever but they would like to have big enough blocks with the turtle print. So that's what I did, but it needed more..... something......... so I also purchased some of the tangerine dots fabric in the Remix line and it just made it. Before I added it, I asked Mr. Inspiring what he thought and I gave him some options to choose from and he chose the tangerine dots, too.
So here's the finished product, before washing...... The front....
And the back. (That's Mr. Inspiring holding it.)
I think it turned out rather cute!! I did a disappearing 9-patch and made sure the chocolate was my middle square. I used chocolate thread and just quilted the turtle and chocolate squares. I didn't quilt the green rectangles. Then in the tangerine border, I quilted random squares.
Sorry about the coloring on these pictures. I hate taking pictures at night but I get so excited that I want to get the project ready to give.
I'll take it to my boss tomorrow and have him give it to Mrs. Boss at lunch........ I'll be a nervous wreck!!!
I think it turned out well! In fact, I even like it!! And it went together so quickly!!
Have a great week, everyone! It's supposed to be cold here tomorrow!! Stay warm!!
Hugs ~~ Suz
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