
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Oh My Gosh!! I SOO Forgot To Tell You!!

A couple of weeks before Christmas, Mr. Inspiring and I were doing some Christmas shopping.  While traveling on the 'main' street in town, we drove by a house that was in the process of being torn down - by a friend of our's.  It was an old brick farm house, with old, double hung, 6-pane windows.  So I sent a text to his wife and asked her what they were going to be doing with the windows.  She answered back and said they belonged to the guy that owns the house and property, but I could contact him to find out.

Well, I don't know him, and at that point, it was more curiousity than anything, so I decided not to call.

A couple of days later, while we were on our way to eat, I got a call from the wife.  She asked me if I was still interested in the windows.  I told her I guess, why.....  She said that I could have them, HAVE them ALL, but they had to be removed from the property - FAST.....   So after we ate, we went {in the rain} and picked them up.  I guess I didn't count the windows in the house.......

The house must have had 21 windows because I have 42 pieces!!  FORTY-TWO!!!  And the size?  They are 32" x 34".  I've got some great ideas for them.  And - - I want to make things with them to sell in a craft show in May! 

If any of you have any ideas or have seen some projects that are pretty cool ~~ PLEASE share them!  Send me a link!!  As I complete projects with them, I'll post here and I'll post on Pinterest!  Stay Tuned!!  Send me ideas!!! 

Now, we just need to get our shed finished up so I can start on these babies!!!  (OH YEAH - - it IS almost finished!  I'll post pictures of that tonight or tomorrow!!)

Have a wonderful day!! 

Hugs ~~ Suz


  1. Wow, maybe the ADD effect will help you with these windows! I know collecting them was a pain but what possiblities they hold! Good luck and will love to see the results of your ideas.

  2. Oh. My. Gosh! I've seen sooo many uses for these but don't have links to any of them--shoot! You might want to leave a few just as-is, tho. I bet someone would like to decorate with them just as is or a crafter or two would like make their own things with them? What a haul! Good job! Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  3. What a nice way to end a day...especially a rainy day! You really grabbed a bargain...
    really can't wait to see some of your repurposing ideas...keep them coming! Hugs

  4. Hi, Cannelle - - Yes - - I can only hope that I continue having ADD and can get to working on these lovelies!!

    Cherree - - I probably will sell a few as is - just not at the same time I'm trying to sell the one's I've worked on!! Ha!!

    Loretta - - I hope I don't disappoint you and that I come up with something FANTASTIC!!

    Thanks for stopping by, girls!!

    Hugs ~~ Suz


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