
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Another One of THOSE Weekends!

Earlier this week, I told you that I think I was suffering from ADD last weekened.  Shamefully, I need to admit that today is starting down that same path.  It's 8:30 am Saturday morning, and I've been up for 3 and a half hours......  [Up at 5 am on Saturday morning = WTH??]

I fixed coffee and fed the furballs

Enjoyed said coffee while blogging to see what everyone has been up to.  Saw something I liked so I pinned it

Started pinning - looking at quilts - - looking at RED quilts

Remembered I want to find more ideas to repurpose doors and windows

And  started searching for recipes for something for supper

While carrying all the laundry to the laundry room - - thus passing my craft room and remembering that I wanted to post about the quilt I started last weekend and oh yeah - - gotta go out to the freezer to get something for supper.

Remembered to take pictures of the beginnings of my red quilt and the inspiration for it

OH yeah - - I want to do some spray painting today since its supposed to be 66 degrees or so!  And I've got some doors that I want to make a headboard and footboard with for the spare bed..... and don't forget about thos 42 windows!!!

CRAP - - I've got to start the laundry

Wandered in blog land some more and here we are.....

This year I acquired a couple of quilt books, and each one of them had the same picture of a quilt in it that I have fallen in love with....

The pattern is called Jigsaw  and the fabric used is Rural Jardin by French General.....


I WILL make this quilt with the same fabric......... 

But in the mean time, for Christmas, I asked my MIL for red fabric so I can do a red quilt (my interpretation of a redwork quilt is the best way to describe what I have in mind).......  And she delivered!!!  And gave me a gift certificate to a fabric shop for more!!!

Here are some of the blocks that I've come up with so far......

Sometime this weekend, I hope to be able to start my list of things I want to accomplish in 2012....  However, organizing and planning ahead like that is just sooo NOT my forte!!

Happy Saturday, everyone!!

Hugs ~~ Suz


  1. I hate to say that I am laughing at you, but it is an "I'm guilty of the same exact thing" laugh. I got up with the intention of working on some blocks in my sewing room. Somehow I ended up downstairs on the couch with my laptop and a giant red dog sleeping halfway in my lap. I'm still not dress and I haven't had breakfast. It's 11:03 am now.

  2. Oh and I really like your red blocks. A red and white quilt is one of the things on my list for this year.

  3. This must be something going around... I can't seem to get anything done, only planning and meaning too! Now near noon, and I'm still ... meaning to!
    I like the red blocks...It will be an awesome quilt when its finished! Well, I hope we get it into gear and get something accomplished before the day is gone! In the meantime...ain't 'me' time grand! Hugs

  4. I love your blocks for the red and white. I do not like red, so you may inspire me to do it in another color. Too much red drives me crazy!
    PS I get up at 2 am (my shift with the GM) and after her breakfast, etc. I am just like you. One thing after another, back and forth. My friends think my way of accomplishing tasks is crazy but they all come together in the end!

  5. I really like the reds! I'm actually making this quilt too, but with Moda Etchings and I'm trying to figure out the math to make it a queen size. I know I'm in for an expensive, time consuming quilt, but it'll be worth it!

  6. Your not the only one that goes from one thing to another and back again! I don't get anything done on days like that.

    Love the red in the quilt! Of course I love red!


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