
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Things I'm Working On Today!

Ok -- I sooo meant to be doing better about posting more.....  and I really did  get a good start  - - almost 2 weeks ago....

And then..............

I got sick.

With a NASTY cold

And was in bed ALL weekend last weekend.  And I slept ALL weekend last weekend......  But I'm much better now............  Yay, me!!

Today is a cold, dreary, gray day.  So, I've started boiling my chicken with onions and celery to make some yummy home made chicken n dumplins.....  Oh Yeah!!  It's a perfect day for yummy, comfort food like that!!!

Quilt Status:

I've got my blocks done for my red and white quilt.  I need to square them up and sew 'em together!!

I'm thinking I'm going to really love this one and I'm so glad I'm making it for me!!! 

Recently I bought a Lil Twister so I can make a twisted block quilt.  I decided to use the fabrice I purchase about 4 years ago.  It's fabric from the ovarian cancer collection and I had planned on making a rag quilt with it.  Well, I never did that. 

So I cut 5" squares out of my fat quarters and I need to sew them together so I can twister them!!    And if it all turns out, I will probably donate it to the Relay for Life in April.....

Now I need to figure out how I want to arrange the fabric so I can twister with them!

But before I get to all this.....  I'm hanging out with my little man (grandson) and we're watching Cars!!

I love weekends!!  What are YOU doing this weekend??

Hugs ~~ Suz

I'm Partying here:

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Another One of THOSE Weekends!

Earlier this week, I told you that I think I was suffering from ADD last weekened.  Shamefully, I need to admit that today is starting down that same path.  It's 8:30 am Saturday morning, and I've been up for 3 and a half hours......  [Up at 5 am on Saturday morning = WTH??]

I fixed coffee and fed the furballs

Enjoyed said coffee while blogging to see what everyone has been up to.  Saw something I liked so I pinned it

Started pinning - looking at quilts - - looking at RED quilts

Remembered I want to find more ideas to repurpose doors and windows

And  started searching for recipes for something for supper

While carrying all the laundry to the laundry room - - thus passing my craft room and remembering that I wanted to post about the quilt I started last weekend and oh yeah - - gotta go out to the freezer to get something for supper.

Remembered to take pictures of the beginnings of my red quilt and the inspiration for it

OH yeah - - I want to do some spray painting today since its supposed to be 66 degrees or so!  And I've got some doors that I want to make a headboard and footboard with for the spare bed..... and don't forget about thos 42 windows!!!

CRAP - - I've got to start the laundry

Wandered in blog land some more and here we are.....

This year I acquired a couple of quilt books, and each one of them had the same picture of a quilt in it that I have fallen in love with....

The pattern is called Jigsaw  and the fabric used is Rural Jardin by French General.....


I WILL make this quilt with the same fabric......... 

But in the mean time, for Christmas, I asked my MIL for red fabric so I can do a red quilt (my interpretation of a redwork quilt is the best way to describe what I have in mind).......  And she delivered!!!  And gave me a gift certificate to a fabric shop for more!!!

Here are some of the blocks that I've come up with so far......

Sometime this weekend, I hope to be able to start my list of things I want to accomplish in 2012....  However, organizing and planning ahead like that is just sooo NOT my forte!!

Happy Saturday, everyone!!

Hugs ~~ Suz

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Oh My Gosh!! I SOO Forgot To Tell You!!

A couple of weeks before Christmas, Mr. Inspiring and I were doing some Christmas shopping.  While traveling on the 'main' street in town, we drove by a house that was in the process of being torn down - by a friend of our's.  It was an old brick farm house, with old, double hung, 6-pane windows.  So I sent a text to his wife and asked her what they were going to be doing with the windows.  She answered back and said they belonged to the guy that owns the house and property, but I could contact him to find out.

Well, I don't know him, and at that point, it was more curiousity than anything, so I decided not to call.

A couple of days later, while we were on our way to eat, I got a call from the wife.  She asked me if I was still interested in the windows.  I told her I guess, why.....  She said that I could have them, HAVE them ALL, but they had to be removed from the property - FAST.....   So after we ate, we went {in the rain} and picked them up.  I guess I didn't count the windows in the house.......

The house must have had 21 windows because I have 42 pieces!!  FORTY-TWO!!!  And the size?  They are 32" x 34".  I've got some great ideas for them.  And - - I want to make things with them to sell in a craft show in May! 

If any of you have any ideas or have seen some projects that are pretty cool ~~ PLEASE share them!  Send me a link!!  As I complete projects with them, I'll post here and I'll post on Pinterest!  Stay Tuned!!  Send me ideas!!! 

Now, we just need to get our shed finished up so I can start on these babies!!!  (OH YEAH - - it IS almost finished!  I'll post pictures of that tonight or tomorrow!!)

Have a wonderful day!! 

Hugs ~~ Suz

I Think I Know What ADD Feels Like

I just stink at posting on here.... I am truly sorry about that.  I've got so many things going on, my title is perfect for the way I've been feeling lately.

This was the first family picture since 2006.....  Little Mr. in the Middle LOVED his jammies with Buzz Lightyear on them......  He's such a sweetie pie!!  {Little Mr. - not Buzz - hee hee!!}

My office shut down from Christmas Eve through January 2.  That's right - I didn't have to work for 10 days.  PERFECT time to get caught up on a project or two and get them posted so you all could see, right?

Well, THAT didn't happen.  My youngest son, who lives with his dad, came and spent the week with us and I didn't want to miss a minute of his visit.  And he had some requests......  Country Fried Steak, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Snickerdoodles......   Apparently his dad hasn't changed too much in the cooking department!  And I loved having him here and I loved having special requests!!

Sunday was my ADD day, tho.....  I spent the day taking down the Christmas tree and all of the decorations, rearranging the living room, then when I passed my craft room, I'd go in, sit down, and work on my new quilt project.....  All of this bouncing from room to room and project to project carried over into Monday, too.  I was READY to go back to work on Tuesday...........  ok, so maybe not..........  I was READY to sleep in Tuesday - - yep THAT'S more like it!!

The t-shirt quilt for #1 son was a big hit - - he loves it!  {Yay!  Score one for Mom!}

Happy New Year Everyone - - I promise I will do my best to get myself back into a somewhat organized chaos kind of mindset and do better with taking pictures DURING the process of creativeness and getting them posted!!

Hugs ~~ Suz