
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Handmade Christmas Ornaments

The theme for this weeks linky over at Funky Junk Interiors is Handmade Ornaments, so I thought I'd share a few of my favorites.

First, I want to start with the ones that my grandma made in the early to mid 70's. 

I wish I had the patterns that she used for the beaded ornaments.  Aren't they beautiful?  She used fishing line to hold them all together......  and they're tight, too!  She painted the piano and poinsettia one in 1976. 

Here are some pictures of ornaments I've made, mostly this year.  The first up is one that I saw last year over at Today's Fabulous Finds.  Such a cute idea.  The printable is mod podged to a big paint stir stick.  How clever is that????

The next one was adapted from the book page star ornament.  Mine weren't so much star shaped and I used old word search books........  The glitter is so sparkly!!

The following 2 ornaments I adapted from something I saw on Pinterest.....  I spend WAY too much time over there!!   Anyway, I drilled a small hole all the way through an unused wine cork and then just had some galvanized wire and added beads and the hangers........  Easy Peasy!!!  The beads really reflect the light!!

I might be behind the times a bit, but I FINALLY tried the floor cleaner and glitter ornaments.  They are just too stinking cute!!  I love how they don't drop glitter everywhere!!

Well I was going to add pictures of ornaments I've made in years past, but blogger isn't wanting to cooperate with me right now. 

Thanks for looking and let me know if you'd like more details on how to make any of these.  I'd be happy to share!!

Merry Christmas!

Hugs ~~ Suz

I'm joining these linky parties!!

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special


  1. I love the ones your Grandmother made my Mother made similar ones but my favorite is the book page wreath with red glitter. I'm visiting from Show & Tell Saturdays.

  2. Thank you for stopping by, Peggy! I don't think I can pick ONE favorite.....

    Have a Merry Christmas!!

    Hugs ~~ Suz

  3. Love all your ornaments! The cork one is extra special :) Would love love love for you to share this at our party going on now Happy holiday! My


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