
Sunday, May 22, 2011

I Didn't Wait Til The LAST MINUTE!!

My middle child turns 21 in 15 days.........  That's just plain crazy, cuz I only turned 21 a couple of years ago!  HA!!

I worked on a project for him today.  I think it turned out ok - it's cute, but I definitely STILL need practice with these thick enamel paints and using them on glass.

Since he likes to hunt, I thought I'd incorporate some camo into the design.   I cut out "21" from some vinyl.  I weeded out the actual numbers and kept the 'negative'.  I placed it on my glass.  I also taped off a couple of strips around the top and bottom.

Starting with the green paint, I just painted globs of color inside the 21 and the bands.

I did the same thing with my brown paint, and then followed it up with black paint.

(I think it must have been at this point that my daughter came home from work...  so I'm missing some pictures - - Sorry!!)

When the paint was sort of 'set' I pulled the vinyl off.  I had to be careful that I didn't pull the paint off, too.  I had my exacto knife handy and used it to score the paint to keep it from pulling off.

I used orange paint and outlined the '21'.  I outlined the bands with black paint.   In orange, I wrote Happy Birthday.  I used the green paint for the date.

These are the paints I used.  Like I said above, they're thick.  And it's taking me some time to get used to that.  They just don't work the same way that acrylic craft paint does.

After you get your design how you want it, you simply put your glass in the oven, turn it on to 350 and let it bake for a half hour.

Just be VERY CAREFUL when you remove it from the oven.  It's flippin HOT!!!

Side note:  The birthday boy thought I was nuts when he turned 16 on June 6, 2006  (6/6/6) and I wouldn't let him get his drivers license...........   Sometimes you just gotta be careful - - right???

Have a super week!!   

Hugs ~~ Suz

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