
Friday, April 15, 2011

It SNEAKS Up on You!!

Happy Friday, Everyone!  I hope ya'll are having a great month so far!  I can't believe that it's the middle of April already!  Did you get your taxes done and turned in?  It's that time, ya know!! 

Vacation was super awesome!  Orlando was beautiful and the weather was wonderful.  We did all the Disney parks and SeaWorld.  We also got to see my cousin from Cocoa Beach and go to the beach and swim in the ocean.  I now understand why Kevin Costner tells Ashton Kutcher to chew gum.  Yech!!!  Salt water does NOT taste good!!  But those waves were amazing! 

We also got to see Fantasmic at MGM and the Parade of Lights and the Fireworks at Magic Kingdom!  Soo worth getting your seat 2 hours before it starts! 

I don't think I've mentioned this in my blogging before, but I've been dieting for about 6 months.  I'm following my doctor's orders, and trying to get my hormones lined out, too.  I took a core strengthening class last spring and my 3rd month into, my migraines came back with a vengance - - hormones.  My sister told me that I'm the only person she knows that has a ligitimate excuse NOT to exercise!! LOL   Migraines are HORRIBLY WICKED and I wouldn't wish them on anyone  - - not even my ex-husband!! 

Anyway, I've lost 25 pounds, but lately, by weight loss has slowed down.  I've got 10 - 15 more to go.  Well, right before vacation, I figured it out.  DUH!!  Right after Christmas, I picked my coffee habit back up.  And since I know that sweet n low (Aspartame) is NOT good (don't believe me? read Jillian Michaels book.......  whew!!  BAD stuff!!) I decided to go back and start drinking it the way I started years ago!  With that wonderful Coffee Mate flavored goodness.......  mmmmm   Vanilla Nut and Sweet Italian Cream, my favorites!!!  I drink coffee out of huge cups.  One equals probably 2 or 2 1/2 regular cups.....  I realized that I was going through one big bottle of creamer a week..........  divided out, that's like over 300 calories a day in creamer ALONE!!!  Man...........  what a bummer.  I mean - - I LOVE that stuff!!!

My doctor said that using that much a day is like starting your day by eating a candybar for breakfast and it messes up your metabolism for the whole day!!  So I asked him which was the lesser of 2 evils, the coffee mate or sweet n low...........  So, he asked me why I didn't use Splenda???  I thought it was all the same kind of stuff..........

Turns out, it isn't.  He said that Splenda is a 'natural' sweetner. It's one molecule away from being sugar....  and while you taste 'sweet' your body doesn't absorb it.  You just pass it on through!!  YAY!!! 

So now I have my coffee figured out.  Now, I need to figure out and/or find a LOW CALORIE recipe or brand of Poppy Seed Dressing..........  I'm eating salads like crazy, and not just your typical side salad size.  I eat like almost a mixing bowl size for a meal........  and those calories in my dressing are causing problems, too.  Anyone have any suggestions???  I love balsamic vinegarette dressing, too, and it doesn't have as many calories, but..........  I still love the Poppy Seed!

If anyone has any ideas or recipes, please, PLEASE let me know!!

And by the way - - I've missed you all!!  No projects this week, but I will be posting soon!!  Got some in the works that are almost finished!!!

Hugs ~~ Suz

1 comment:

  1. Hi Suz, thanks for visiting my blog and your sweet comment! I'm following you back. Good luck on your weight loss....I prefer Stevia for sweeteners, personally - have you tried that? (Or Agave nectar...very low glycemic index). As far as no wrinkles, I completely credit my use of simply divine botanicals for the last year and more....that stuff is AMAZING. All natural ingredients.....could actually eat it (but don't recommend it. lol) I have links on the right side of my blog to posts I've holy grail! Also, be sure to use the Monistat Chafing Gel (found over where you get the yeast stuff but this is actually for thighs that stick together......turns out, it has the exact same ingredients/ratios as Smashbox facial primer - fills in lines and wrinkles prior to makeup application and all for $6 at Walmart instead of $40 at Sephora. Who knew! lol Lots of makeup and beauty tips on my blog = gotta fight aging, you know! Enjoy!


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