
Friday, February 11, 2011

My First Award

Stacey over at Embracing Change sent me a sweet note and let me know that she sent me "The Versatile Blogger" award.... What a nice thing to wake up to this morning! Thank you, Stacey!

Here are the rules:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.

2. Answer 10 questions.

3. Pass it along to 7 blogs you've recently discovered and enjoy.

4. Leave your recipients a note, telling them about the award.

And the 10 questions are:

1. Why did you create your blog?
I created my blog so that I would hold myself 'accountable' for all the projects I want to do.  And - it is helping me!!  I love posting on weekly linky parties and I hate it when I miss a week!! 

2. What kind of blogs do you follow?
I love following all of you creative people!!  Crafting (any kind), decorating, furniture re-do's, cooking/baking, card making, quilting..........  I love them all!  What everyone comes up with is so amazing to me!!

3. Favorite brand of make up..
Well.... that's kind of a 'left-field' question......  I don't think I really have a favorite.  In fact, when I'm creating, I tend to forget that make up exists...... YOU know how that is...... in the middle of a project and run out of something or can't find something you thought you had, so you just make a quick trip to WalMart.......  and isn't that ALWAYS the time you see everybody and their brother that know you???  I'm working on that.  I promise.  One of my good friends told me, when we were first becoming friends, is that she always wears her make up.  NEVER leaves home without it.  She said (and I know it sounds so cliche) that you only get one chance to make a first impression.  What if that person you just met has a job opening for someone with your skills.........  Anyway - - I'm working on it.  I NEVER go to work without makeup...

4. Favorite brand of clothing.
Trends come and go......... Remember The Limited and their Outback Red label??  I loved it.  Casual Corner - There was a time that was all I would wear to work.  However, through the years, I have always loved Levis jeans.  They are the only brand of jeans I wear.  I'm also sort of getting into Tommy Hilfiger - - that I buy on an extremely good sale at the outlet..... NEVER full price.  EVER.  NO....   But my FAVORITE BRAND is  anything that is comfortable and fits well and looks nice. 

5. Indispensible make up product.
Most indispensible that I put on everyday....  that would be a smile and a great attitude.   Ok, not a product, but.........  it's more important that a product.  Outside beauty/looks fade.  People remember how you treat them for a long time.........  Great attitude is timeless...........

6. Favorite color.
I think this is the hardest question....  It depends on what you're referring to........ clothing? wall color? crayon?  Its probably easier for me to tell you what is my least favorite..........  Pink...........  I think I had a pink sweater my Junior year of high school that was my FAV........ and then my Senior Prom dress was Barbie Pink..........  I think I just got my fill of the dang color.......

7. Favorite perfume.   Tommy Girl  or Body by Victoria

8. Favorite movie.
I so have to agree with Stacey on this one.  The Notebook.... I *sob* everytime  yes EVERYtime I watch it.  It just gets to me.  It just describes what I think is absolute True Love.   Sound of Music and Pretty Woman rank up there, too.

9. What country would you like to visit and why.
Wow....... is it really even safe to travel to another country..........  I think it would have to be Australia.  I'd love to go 'down under'.  Or Italy - - I could eat my way around the country!!!!  I love Italian food!!

10. Would you rather forget to put mascara on one eye or forget blush on one side of your face?
I'd rather forget blush.........  It's pretty noticeable when someone forgets mascara!!!

Now to pass along this award to those blogs I am currently are my nominees:

mom24boys Here is a link to her blog - - check it out!  She's really made it cute!! 
Krista at Blissful Craziness - Click here to go visit her!
Deb at DeJaRenew - Check her out here! She made a new button and it's soo cute!!  Great Job!!
Sara at Faded Country - I love her blog and all of her pictures!!  Cute family!!
Lesa at Home Frosting - check out her Tile Backsplash!! Click here!
Nan at You Could Make That will have a give away when she hits 100 followers!  she's at 91!
Tina at Scratchy Cat Crafter - click here to visit her cute blog!!

Those are my 7!!  Please let me know when you post!!

Hugs ~~ Suz


  1. Thanks so much for the award. I am very honored that you chose me! Will get around to posting sometime next week. Have a great weekend.

  2. Thank you, Suz, for your kind comments and for the award. I was very surprised to see that you chose me. I will be posting this weekend. Have a great day and, again, THANK YOU!

  3. Thank you Suz for stopping by my blog and giving this award to me! That was so sweet of you. I will be sure to come back and grab the post and follow suit. These are fun :) YAY!!


  4. Thanks so much Suz! I was excited to see this this weekend. I posted it and am off to share the love....
    btw: Thanks for the recipe.
    Check out my post here:
    I touched up my blog with the help from Momma Go Round. You can find the link on my post. She does a great job with easy instructions. Editing html can be nasty but not bad with Momma!

  5. Momma IS awesome! I followed her directions and made my buttons! She seems so nice, too!!

    You're welcome for the recipe! It's simple and soo yummy. I want to try it sometime with an orange cake and pudding.... I dunno..... Have a great week!

    Hugs ~~ Suz

  6. Hi Suz...just a quick note to let you know I finally posted my award. Again, thank you.


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