
Past Creations

Rag Quilt - Breast Cancer Awareness

Well, instead of putting past projects on my Home Page, I thought I'd start a new page and use my Home page just for New projects. Confusing? I hope not!!

So a couple of years ago I made a rag quilt for a Breast Cancer Awareness dinner. Since I wasn't blogging at the time, I didn't take very many pictures - I'm sorry!!! But I did manage to get a picture of it that shows how I had it laid out. Maybe it will inspire you to try one of your own?

Rag Quilts are Easy Peasy!! And the more layers you have, the bigger the ruffles are - and it really adds character to the quilt!

My layer recipe was:

1 pc Cotton fabric for the top
1 pc White n Natural Quilt 'Batting' (wonderful stuff!!)
2 pcs Cotton Flannel for the backing

The 2 layers of flannel really made the seams 'POOF'.

I work with the girl that won it, so I will see if she can email a picture for me to post here so you can see the finished product.  OH YEAH!!!!  I found a finished picture!!!  I love it!!!! (However - the picture was taken BEFORE the snipping of the seams... But you get the idea!!)

I hope to make a couple for Christmas next year.  I've got a ton of cute Christmas material!!!  yay!!  And I imagine if I look, I'll find some clearance super cheap about now, too!!! 

Have a wonderful Sunday! 

Hugs ~~ Suz

Linking this to these Super Parties!!