
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Carpet Cleaning - NOT For the Faint of Heart!

If you have a squeemish tummy, please don't read this post.  Graphic pictures!!

Ok - - You've been warned......

We took Lucy to the shed yesterday and apparently she ingested something that didn't quite agree with her.  Mr. Inspiring and I have not figured it out, but.....  she's still not feeling 100% yet.

Last night she threw up in our bedroom 4 times.  Not all at once, mind you, but through out the night.  I don't know about you, but I don't clean those kinds of messes up so well in the middle of the night.  I do what I think is good enough and then go back to sleep with the plan to take care of it in the morning.

Well, (remember you were warned) I have never seen a mess like this come from a human or a feline.  Actually, I've not seen it at all............. EVER.   Dark, almost black ooze.......  weird.......

Here's a picture of the worst spot. 

At this point, we had wiped up all that we could and sprayed carpet cleaner on it and let it soak in.  Then I vacuumed it.

Well, thank God for Pinterest!!  And for Jillee!!!  This is Jillee's blog!  I was very skeptical!!

Ammonia, hot water, a spray bottle, cotton towels and a steam iron.......... Really??

In your spray bottle, mix equal amounts of ammonia and hot water.  Spray your stain.  Cover with the cotton towel, and steam iron it.  Press down and really get the steam in there, but, it does stink......  so try not to breathe in the steam.  Yuck!!

Jillee says you don't need to scrub, but I found that after I sprayed it, before I steamed it, if I worked the solution in with a scrub brush, it did even better!!

Still steaming.........

Getting lighter..........

Just about gone!!!  Actually, at this point I stopped.  It's still damp.  I want to try it again in a day or too, but I wanted to see how it looks dry.

There you have it!!  Thank you, Jillee!! 

Hugs ~~ Suz


The Kitchen Sink!!

I know - - Right?  Two posts in one weekend after such a long absence!!  Cool!!!

I didn't exactly come clean with ya'll yesterday.......  part of my absence has been due to Pinterest.....  I admit it......  I'm ssooo addicted!!  BUT  Admitting your addiction is the first step, right??

On thing I've pinned is a home made soap scum remover (you can see the pin here!!)  The recipe is one cup of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of liquid soap (I used Dawn), a few drops of essential oil (I used Young Living Peppermint oil in my bathroom and Young Living Thieves oil in my kitchen), and some water.  That's it!!!

Ok, here's my kitchen sink before:

Ok, I know - - GROSS - - right?  That's a combination of tea and coffee and soda.  YUCK!!

Here are my ingredients:

Mix them together to make a paste:  (first picture is without the water aded yet)

(After I added a little water and stirred)

I plopped some down in the sink, and spread it around using a scrub brush.  (Here's during)

And here's the after!!

Ok, here's the before shot again:

Mr. Inspiring just commented that it looks like we got a new sink today!!

(I also tried it on my glass top stove and it worked like a dream there, too!!)

Thank you!!  And Pinterest!!!

Thanks for visiting!!!  Let me know how this works for you, too!!

Hugs ~~ Suz

I'm sharing at these awesome parties:

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Still Alive!!

Hi, Ya'll ~~ I'm checking in to let you know that I am still alive and as onery as ever!! It's been a busy Spring and I have so sucked at keeping posts updated on my blog.

The shed - Pa Pa's House according to our grandson - is finished and wonderful!! We've had a party out there the last 2 weekends and have had so much fun. The first party was a going away party for Son #1. His work is sending him to EGYPT for at least 2 months and this momma ain't too happy about it....... I'd feel MUCH better if he were going to Canada!! But it is a good opportunity for him and he will make good money so............ I don't have too much say in it. That means that grandson and I will be doing some serious bonding!! Cody leaves Monday. :-( But - - in searching for that silver lining that helps me make it through these kinds of things, I'm thinking that his being in Egypt just MIGHT cause me to stress just enough to lose some poundage??? Like maybe 10 - 15 lbs???

 Party #2 was a surprise birthday party for one of our good friends. We had been planning it for nearly 3 months and he didn't have a clue! We are all very proud of ourselves for pulling it off!!

Sad note - Mr. Inspiring's grandma passed away at the end of March. To me, she was the epitomy (sp??) of God's Grace. I never heard a cross word come from her. She ALWAYS expressed how thankful she was for everything she'd ever been given. She appreciated everything anyone ever did for her. She loved life. She loved her family. She loved her friends. She loved our Lord. She's in Heaven now and is our family Guardian Angel. She is dancing and singing with Grandpa and Mr. Inspiring's daddy. She has no more pain and is not suffering from Altzheimer's/Dimentia any longer. She is beautiful and peaceful and helping our Father ready Heaven for the rest of us. Until we meet again, Grandma Ruthie....... xoxoxoxo

I've been hand quilting - stitch in the ditch - my red quilt and I'm finding it is a rather crazy task. The backing that I chose is red fabric with small white print. It's hard to see my stitches and I've caught myself quilting parts that I've already quilted..... I don't think I'll stitch in the ditch again. It's driving me crazy.

Well - - that's what's been going on, in a nutshell..... What have you guys been up to?? Hugs ~~ Suz